Thursday, 27 March 2025


The weather is lovely at the moment in Tonbridge, so I thought I'd cook my lunch on the BBQ. Delicious. 


 We hand an impromptu bbq yesterday.  Flower photos courtesy of Florence.  Sore thumb, courtesy of me cutting off the end of my thumb.  It all adds to the flavour.

And the referee points to the penalty rectangle?

 Spotted this on one of the playing fields yesterday whilst walking the dog.

Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Level 12

 The start of the battle.  I think I annoyed the DM as I banished one of the two things he put up against us last night which made us only fight a very tough Spiderdragon (, rather than a dragon spider and a Yochlol (  One player was dropped and had to make a death save, a ranger's companion had to be revived and Sir Quacksalot returned to his natural plane (he'll be fine).

We're now level 12!

Lightest i've ever been

 Or to be strictly true since I was 18.  That's 85.95kg!

Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Visceral fat reduction

 I measured my first visceral fat level of 11 this morning!  When I was first using the scales back in May last year I was fluctuating between 13 and 14.  1-12 being normal.  I don't know how accurate the scales are but what I do think is true is that they are consistent.  I'm nearly 10kg less than I was in May last year.

Well done me...


 I went to Cardiff on Saturday for a friend's stag do.  Jeez it's a long way!  I left the house before 8:30 and finally got to Cardiff just before 2.  It was good fun, but I probably shouldn't have gone.  I've got some form of cold and was in my hotel bed at 9pm.  I finally got back home at around 2 the next day.  Shattered!  I spent the vast majority of Sunday on the sofa and then in bed at 7.  Felt a bit better yesterday and managed to drag myself to the gym this morning so nearly better.

Indian restaurant

Train supplies

Friday, 21 March 2025

Cardiff tomorrow

 I'm off to Cardiff early tomorrow for a friend's stag do.  It's not really a stag, just a mini pub crawl followed by a curry.  Nearly 5 hours on the train!  I'll have to make sure all my devices are fully charged and I bring along my power bank.

Not sure what happened to me yesterday

 I came down with something at about 6pm and missed the games night.  April still went along and had a good time though.  I slept on the sofa from 7 till around half 8 then had a restless sleep all night.  Maybe the 4 antihistamines I took throughout the day had something to do with it.


More or less feel fine now.

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Watching the final

 Not the greatest result for Liverpool on Sunday bit was good fun seeing everyone.