Ben 17-05-06
Kris 30-03-06
Ian 29-03-06 (and before these 3 the previous was in March the year before)
Tim 17-10-05
Come on guys, I know you check up on the journal every now and again. The least you could do is reply to the occasional post. Or perhaps even make a post of your own.
Suggested topics
Ben: How's the job going, you've nearly been in it for 6 months now?
Kris: How are the kids? Is your dog still stupid?
Ian: How's the house? How's your redecorating going? Are you going for black paint?
Tim: How's the band going? When's the next gig? How's work? Any news?
It's not as if it takes long... This rant only took me 5 mins.
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