Friday, 31 August 2012
Birthday meal from Steve
Jacob's Ladder Ribs. Urgh... Too much. Nice white shirt eh April?
I'll get Steve back next week when it's his birthday.
Most expensive pair of socks ever
I had to pay customs and excise £22 in order for them to release a parcel from Australia.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Something new to do on my commute
What was the first DVD I copied? Lord of the Rings extended edition. Bring it on.
Well that was close
Carroll's gone to West Ham on loan too, let's hope there's some transfers tomorrow on transfer deadline day / my birthday. The new Football Manager will be out in a few months so i'm sure I can turn it around.
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
You are ace
It was a phrase we used to use at school to describe how rubbish someone was. so when I got this message from the comedy DVD website I wasn't sure if they were being sarcastic.
Arrrrrr....... the good old days. It was good to see Aston and Ross at Shaheen's wedding. We all reverted back to being 13. Excellent.
Monday, 27 August 2012
Saturday, 25 August 2012
Fat bastard
Celeb spot, Roy Chubby Brown at our hotel in Jersey. I had spotted a poster up in town yesterday of his gig and when this fat guy popped into one if our hotel bars with his four meat head goons I put two and two together.
Friday, 24 August 2012
Comedy purchase of the week
I've been listening to Richard Herring's latest series of podcasts. Edinburgh Fringe. All very funny.
I know he's only joking but his two shows out there haven't really been sell outs. And he does sound quite down about it. It got me thinking, he does all this stuff for free so the least I can do his buy a DVD or two. He may not like the Stewart Lee purchase though.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Another one bites the dust
I hear it happens to the best of us. Shaz's wedding this Sunday. Eek! Let's try and get him shit faced on his birthday tomorrow. Plenty of time to recover...
Am I old?
Most definitely...
I was chatting to a couple of the 'kids' at work today and they started talking about a chap called Akon. I said that I'd never heard of acorn. A mass of laughter ensued. And then more laughter.
Am I old? Should I care about the chap?
No. And I stand by my no.
Looking up his wiki page, what a twat. What a complete twat. Ex convict / borderline paedophile (proved innocent?) / r&b / rapper.
What a role model / hero.
I'm pretty glad I've never heard of the idiot. The guys in my office are still laughing.
I'm still glad he's a nobody in my life.
Farourite story of the week
Spanish fresco restoration botched by amateur (BBC NEWS)
An elderly parishioner has stunned Spanish cultural officials with an alarming and unauthorised attempt to restore a prized Jesus Christ fresco.
I have to say if this picture ever came up for auction on e-bay I would pay up to £100 for it. As it makes me chuckle everytime I look at it. He, he.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012
I've found a new podcast
Talking Metal. Just listened to the first 10 minutes and think it could be good. The last 7 mins of that 10 was an Iron Maiden song, To Tame A Land. Sold!
Not sure how they get the authority to use the music, all the other podcasts I listen to certainly aren't allowed. Who cares? It's pretty good so far. Also I downloaded episode 387 so if I like it there's plenty of back log to go through.
Stupid cold
I still have this bloody cold. The latest stage is me turning into a phlegm and snot monster. Yum... Coughing till one in the morning is great. I've had one form of it for nearly a week, when will it end? Urgh!
Monday, 20 August 2012
Poor biscuit
Biscuit's staying at the vets tonight. The vet thinks she's got something wrong with her liver so after a few blood tests he recommended that he takes a biopsy. We took her in this morning and everything went well but they're keeping her in just in case, due to pick her up tomorrow after work. We'll find out the results of this test in a couple of days. Poor thing.
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Our garden
It hasn't changed much since we bought the place 4 years ago except for the two trees we planted that have gone nuts. At least 10 times the size.
Friday, 17 August 2012
Off ill
I've done a couple of hours work though. Fairly productive really. Might try and do this more often. At the moment we have a couple of graduates that are always asking questions and at times it can be quite hard to actually get anything done. To top that off we've now got a uni student in for a month who i'm having to work with quite closely. Urgh.
Match of the Day
SC finds a work around so he can post to the blog through the back door 1-1
Gits in IT turn off access to the WIFI for staff 2-1
SC befriends graduate in team who know a graduate in IT and gets the WIFI password 2-2
Gits in IT turn off the use of USB memory sticks 3-2
SC gets his own website for his blog so can go directly there anyway. 3-3
Extra time
SC finds that he can turn his phone onto hard drive mode when charging which makes it act like a USB and bypasses their security 3-4
Winner SC
People will be talking about this match for years to come.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Well that was interesting...
Just had a Turkish haircut. I booked my normal place for a haircut in the city and turned up 5 mins late after getting held up slightly at work. They'd already filled my slot which I felt was a bit cheeky. Anyway, not to worry I walk past another everyday on my commute so decided to give that a try.
It was quite an experience, the full works. Hair washed, hot towels on the face, rock on the radio which the proceeded to turn up when a decent track came on, weird massage on my arms and to top it all off he dipped the end of a stick in paraffin, set light to it then proceeded to dab it on my ears! Ouch! I presume to get rid of ear hair... But could be wrong.
All in all very good and only slightly more expensive than my usual. All this excitement nearly made me forget that they also gave me a bottle of beer whilst I was waiting / having the cut.
Added benefit
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Bloody busy
This might sound bad but at least we're aware of it! 8 months ago when I was tasked with it my team blindly followed what we were given. Now the whole company is aware of the issues we face. The more I look into it the more I get demotivated. I mean, if only other teams give a shit...
Watdefu has landed!
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
The nutters have done it again
This time they've sprayed the tree gold. Not sure what the council will think of that.
Funny though.
Monday, 13 August 2012
Sunday, 12 August 2012
April's old band mate's gig
We went to this great venue to show support to April's old band mate Paul and one of his new bands The Dominant Ego. In order.
Popping into the pub next door to find two of our favorite beers. Very rare to find April's choice of Little Creatures all the way from sunny Perth.
The Garage - Min Festival Foxton Sound Garden. It basically was a disused garage. Pretty cool though.
First Band
The beer on offer
The Dominant Ego
April looking cool
Cairo Sun, awesome American dude. A cross between Chris Cornell, Creed, Tenacious D and Michael Bolton...
We then went to a quite a cool bar and forced them to put the athletics on where we watched Mo win his second Gold of the games!
Photos from the beer festival
First pint
Gandalf the barman
Me trying a beer from Kettering
Guy with poodle hair
Good venue (Olympia)
Beer Barrel bike
More LOTR, a dwarf, or at least he looks like one
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Poor Biscuit
We had to take Biscuit to the vet this morning and it doesn't sound too good. She's had couple of problems before but she's been a little worse recently. Not that you'd know it but she's actually lost a nearly a kg in less that a year. The vet took a blood sample and will get back to us next week. Probably Monday. The poor thing had to get here chest shaved so he could get the blood. I've not seen her since I let her back out again. I hope she's forgiven me.
Bloody virus
My laptop's got a bloody virus so am sitting in on a lovely day watching a Mcafee technician fix it. Or hopefully fix it! It's been a real arse and have been trying to sort it out all morning. Fingers crossed.
Birthday present
Must Have Cute: Star Wars Pincushion Cats
If anyone's stuck for something to get me for my birthday this year. I'd like a Han Solo.
Friday, 10 August 2012
Monday, 6 August 2012
Biscuit helping me out
Sturggling to get my blog sorted
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Games day (edit, thanks Kris)
Joint Winners = Stuart (Flux * 2, warhammer chaos in the old world * 1), Ben (Bloodbowl Manager * 1, Muchkin * 1, Infiltration *1)
3rd = Kris (Flux * 1)
4th = Ian (Nothing)
Get ready to change your links
The company I used said it could take up to a day to activate so I guess i'll move it over once that's cleared.
Add it to your favourites
Update google reader
Change your rss feed
Friday, 3 August 2012
They all come out for the Olympics
In case you're wondering, yes that is the Olympic Torch. And it's also a bandoleer of spray painted two pence pieces to represent medals.
Jeez! Nutters!
Highs and lows
There's a new Nandos in the City so I arranged to meet April there at lunch. April had meetings so by the time she'd finished and we'd met up there was a queue to get in round the corner.
As chance would have it the place we ended up going to had peri-peri chicken. Sadly when I tasted it, it was only fried chicken.
Going to Nandos for lunch = up
Nandos is too busy = down
Peri-peri chicken for sale somewhere else = up
Not peri-peri chicken = down
Boo! We're going to try again next week really early. Fingers crossed.
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Guess who's getting a fancy tablet for his birthday?
A Samsung galaxy 10.1 64gb. Hopefully it'll delay me getting a new laptop (due March 2013).
It was either that or a big new tv.
Really? I can think of 20 better
Pulp Fiction
The Castl
Back to the Future
Trains buggered again tonight
Incidentally this has nothing to do with the Olympics. Points failure at Cannon Street. Bloody South Eastern Railway. Bunch or retards.