Tuesday, 22 August 2017

5 / 5

I saw Saphie again yesterday morning, that's five work days out of five.  Didn't see her this morning, hopefully I can give her a tickle on my way home.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Best seat in the house

Watching the football earlier round a friends house and their dog decides to sit on me.

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Bloody weeds

I think i'm going to need that lady gardener. Here's some pictures of the lawn before I mowed it this afternoon.

Bloody weeds.


Trying to find some new pubs for the annual Tonbridge air pub crawl. Unfortunately this one was being refurbished and doubt it will be open in time.

This arrived yesterday

Might get a chance to play it tonight.

It was 4

Good girl. Inspecting tickets on the way out of the station.

Friday, 18 August 2017

3 days in a row

Spotted Saphie 3 days in a row outside the station. Can I make it 4?

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

It's like they're reading my mind...

Or my search history.

This is what google thinks i'm interested in as part of their targeted advertisement algorithm.

Cats: Yes.
Rock Music: Yes.
Vehicle Shopping: Perhaps, but only once every 3-4 years.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

I went to the Tank and Paddle for lunch yesterday, it's the old Agenda, underneath the London Underwriting Centre (Gotham City).  Other than having a stupid name they also do pizzas that look pretty nice but the main benefit of going there is that they have this game.

You basically slide the weights on the wooden surface which has been salted to help the metal glide.  You get points at the end of the game when your weights are still on the board which different scores depending on what zone they are left in.  You play against another player so you can knock their weights off too.


Basically some sort of indoor bowls / curling on wood rather than grass or ice.

Also spotted these signs in the toilet, I don't think people are paying much attention to them

Nobody tells me I can't put my children's lives in danger


I couldn't get a shot of the actual incident unfortunately but as I was walking past the castle on Saturday afternoon a Dad was taking photos of his two daughters (who where no more than 4 or 5 years old) climbing on the castle walls.  This sign was less than a foot from their heads.  


I'm sure the novelty of having a new baby will wear off in time for ...

Football Manager 2018's release date has just been announced.  Less then 4 weeks after the due date.

Monday, 14 August 2017

It's funny how certain terms make you chuckle

Spotted this post at the coffee ship this morning.  The wording did work as I might get her in to look at my new lawn.  There's too many weeds!

Today's morning run

Still plodding along but no way neat fast enough to attempt the Tonbridge 5k Park run.  I'm about 40 mins at the moment.  Quite a way off the 30 minutes I need to run it to save being embarrassed  

The cot that Stuart and April built


We built the cot that Steve and Jenny kindly bought for us on Sunday.  It was pretty easy really.

Thank you!

Nursery is nearly done now, I little bit more painting but that's it.  Very pleased.

Great night out in Lewisham on Friday

I met up with Shaheen and his friend Habib on Friday night at the Model Market in Lewisham.  It's such a great venue.  Food and drink from around the world and a lovely atmosphere.  

Well worth a trip.

Friday, 11 August 2017

Shame it will taste like sawdust

Somebody's throwing this out at work, I can only assume that it's because it's 'free from' taste. What's concerning though is the fact that the product claims to be free from milk. Good luck eating it without.

Working from home

At least until I need to get my train. Thought I'd kick off a few models whilst nobody else was using the system.

Yesterday was a pain.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Too close to call

I've ran 2500 models since I started tracking them in 2015, however I've been pushed back into 2nd place in the team for the year recently.  I am about to hit my busiest period so will be top of the league by the end of August and will kick on for the title during September.

Last year I won by 231 model runs.  Worryingly i've got 3 weeks of holiday left to take and 2 week paternity so I will lose a good months worth of model runs in the final quarter of the year.  It might be close.

Monday, 7 August 2017


Got an e-mail from Audi about our car need its MOT updated soon.  Only £49.99 which I reckon is pretty good.  The service isn't due yet so will put that off for a while but apparently our air conditioning is.  £79 later.  It soon adds up.

Friday, 4 August 2017

I walked past the back of the Wetherspoon in Tonbridge last night and there was an impromptu spout of  Morris dancing.  

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Pub refurb

One of our local pubs has had a bit of a refurb

The toilets now have deodorant... 

CSI Tonbridge

I was hosing down the cat's litter tray yesterday and spotted this in the garden

Crime scene

 Zoom and enhance

 Witness / culprit?

Here's the new carpets

Cats have been banned from both rooms.

I think they've turned out pretty well.  I should hope so as it cost over £1k.

Working from home yesterday

Working from home

And then from the Fire Station (for lunch)

Had to work from home yesterday as we were getting some carpets fitted in our bedroom and then the new nursery.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Someone's found a new bed

Poppet's taken to sitting on my laptop and case whilst the scary electrician blows fuses in the bathroom.

Useless twat

I had to get my phone repaired again today.  Looks like after the glass repair I had done a month ago on my phone camera also introduced some dust (after the fix).  So i've now had the whole camera replaced.  It all looks good but am annoyed.

I wish I had the non British aggressive twat gene that meant I could argue with a random shop worker about getting it done for free as am sure it was still in warranty.

£50 on top of the £20 I spent earlier.  Could be worse, I could have dropped my tablet in the bath on Sunday.  Oh year, I did that too.  What a twat!

At least it means my surface pro gets to see more daylight.  Other than watching stuff in the bath (where I will never take it), and it being a fair bit heavier I think I will survive.

In fairness, my tablet is 3 years old now and has had a couple of incidents where i've dropped it and cracked its screen so it's served me well.

Time to move forward.