Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Poor Josie
All signed
Tuesday, 29 September 2020
It is good news
Just spoken to the recruiter and HR have been in touch and they're drawing up a contract now. It's only a 3 month extension but it was mentioned that it was likely to be extended again.
I'm happy with that. 6 months would have been better but the market is a little funny at the moment so I can understand where they're coming from. They're a tiny company, compared to what i'm used to, there's around 50 people but they're expanding considerably and taking on some fairly hefty portfolios next year to keep things interesting.
Monday, 28 September 2020
Well that's good news
Looks like my contract is getting extended. Just got off a call with HR to say that there was a meeting tomorrow with the Chief Actuary and wanted to know if I was interested in renewing.
I told her I am
I don't know if it's another 3 or a more reasonable 6 months yet but we will see.
Sunday, 27 September 2020
Puppy training session 1
After rugby tots we had Arwen's first puppy training session
Flo was cold
So put on the fire.
It's what he would have wanted
April bought me a lobster cracker and set of lobster picks for my birthday and yesterday I finally managed to use them.
Friday, 25 September 2020
First night in my own bed for 4 months
Up until a week ago Arthur has been sleeping in our room since he was born and to save both of us having to get up during the night to settle him i've been sleeping upstair in the top front room. Arthur is now semi reliably going down to sleep at around 7:30 in his own room so now I can have my old bed back. Or I could if we didn't have a new puppy. I had to sleep downstairs with her on the sofa for the first 3 nights. Last night was my first in over 4 months sleeping in my own bed. Not sure how happy April is about this...
Monday, 21 September 2020
I'm sure this will amuse most people
I've only had the dog for 1 and a half days before stepping bare foot in her shit. Yuk!
The great escape
Friday, 18 September 2020
Should I walk past this guy?
After dropping of Flo this morning I spotted this guy and considered for a minute whether or not I should walk past him.
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Such an idiot
I want a spare pair of batteries for my lightsaber as when left in the sabre they slowly discharge.
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
My commute
Since Covid19 started appearing in the UK and we were put in quarantine i've tried to keep up my step count so have been doing a lot of walking. Since Flo's been allowed back at the nursery i've been taking the hour before I have to start work at 9:30 to walk around our local parks.
Here I am today.
Monday, 14 September 2020
I think this kickstarter took around 18 months to arrive. I think I drunk ordered though as it's only one die. Given the amount it cost, it's not even a set.
Playing with one of the filters on my phone
There's an AR (Augmented Reality) app on my phone and one of the options is trying out makeup. The phone's camera and software analyse your face and then suggest what makeup you should use.
Parenting is easy
April went for brunch with a friend on Sunday and was gone all morning.
Halloween already?
We had some friends over for dinner and movie night last night, two of them are vegetarian, one permanent the other just for the month so I cooked them a butternut squash, we had roast beef.
I did the food shopping with Flo so when I was looking for the squash Flo also spotted a pumpkin. Here he is.
Friday, 11 September 2020
Not quite finally finished!
After what must be nearly 6 months our carpeting is finally finished! The runner had to be sent away to get stitched up down the sides, but it's finally in now.

Thursday, 10 September 2020
Puppy proofing
9 days before we get little Arwen home and our garden needed puppy profing.
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
New bed
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
They didn't put it fully out
We got home from picking up Florence and the fire had started again. FFS
Monday, 7 September 2020
Fuckwits next door
Fancy kitchen and home shop

Giant darts
Flo went for a swimming lesson for the first time since lockdown yesterday and I arrived a little early so decided to have a look round Tonbridge school's (private school) facilities.
A new idea
I watched the ITV charity football game last night and donated thirty pounds, this was tripled to ninety pounds by the government and some vaccination organisation. I had the idea that you should be able to donate money to your own club during normal matches.
- Your aging striker misses another sitter, please donate now to order a new one
- Your overweight central defender ate too many pies during the summer break, please donate now to help fund getting his stomach stapled
- Your manager loses his 9th game on the trot, donate now to contribute to his leaving do
Sunday, 6 September 2020
Still somewhat plodding
Saturday, 5 September 2020
2 weeks till P day
Friday, 4 September 2020
I'm just useless
I picked up a new joystick today so that I could try Elite Dangerous again.
Another day, another dollar
Or in my case, cold hard British pounds. It's been another mostly quiet week at work this week. Apart from two anomalies where I worked till 8 and gone 10 a couple of weeks ago, I've finished work at 5:30 every day so far.
It will pick up over the next couple of weeks before a big submission to Lloyd's but we're almost there. Or at least my part is.
And all this for an extra 11.11% more to my daily rate when compared to my last place. I did have nearly 3 months off in between roles which is not ideal but the timing of that couldn't have been better with helping out with Flo and the new arrival.
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
This year's birthday haul
Dog walking waterproof coat
Paul Weller's new album
A Star Wars game for children
Dog toy
Dog toy
Dog pull
Poop bag holder
Poop bags
Metallica biography
Ray Mears outdoor cook book
Lobster cracker
Lobster pick set
Lobster claw pan holders
£20 from my mum
Large ceramic Le Creuset oven dish
Tub of mini cola bottles
Colin the Caterpillar cake