Wednesday 31 July 2024

Steak for tea

We had some unused bbq stuff left- over from Sunday so cooked 4 of these for a lite bite on the griddle pan last night

Maybe 3 or 4 sessions left

 We're nearly there, last night we fought a bone claw and about 100 creepy hand things.  We were upstairs in the pub, pretty hot up there!

Monday 29 July 2024

Hot cat

 The cat lounging around in the morning sun.

Whipped feta

 So good I made it twice at the weekend.  We were round our friends house for our monthly dinner party night.  It was our turn to do the starter so I made some whipped feta.  


  • Feta
  • Greek yoghurt
  • Lemon ride
  • Lemon juice
  • Mint
  • Diced beetroot
  • Pistachios
  • Cumin

It went down very well, so well I made it again for the bbq we had on Sunday for a play date with some of Flo and Arthur's friends.

I also used up the giant yellow courgette my friend gave us from his Dad's allotment.  

Cannon ride

 April was off on her viticulture course on Sunday morning / afternoon so I took the kids round the shops then onto Tonbridge artisan market.  We bought some nice cheese and some dog biscuits (assume they're nice too) before the obligatory cannon ride.

Trip to the park

 April was in town with Florence on Saturday so I entertained Arthur at home.  We'd planned to practice riding his new bike but on the day he didn't fancy it so we went to the park instead  Here he is going on the big slide.  It was pretty hot but he did enjoy himself.

Thursday 25 July 2024

Kickstarter dice finally arrived

 3+ years and €800k+ (I paid €49) later

Verdict:  They're shit 

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Arwen made a friend

 I think I know what Shaheen will get asked to get for Christmas

Pub bbq

 We went to the local pub (2 mins walk) when we were away and they had a special event with live music and a bbq.  The kids enjoyed their dogs.

Hot tub action

 Other than when it rained all day last week I think I was in the hot tub everyday on holiday.  No peace though.  As soon as you got in, the kids followed. 

If you wanna be a record breaker

Broke my record for both elliptical trainer and pool swim this morning.  Gained another 100m on the 45min  elliptical training bike thing and took another 4 seconds of my 500m swim.

Touch rugby later next to Hever Castle.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Trampoline park

 It was a bit wet on one of the days last week so we went to the trampoline park. We were last there a couple of years ago.  They were both sweat bags at the end of the 2 hours but they really enjoyed it./

Canterbury's roman museum

 We popped to Canterbury for lunch one day and went to the roman museum.  The kids enjoyed it.  I was concentrating on counting the old man pubs on or just off the high street.  Good reconnaissance for the next boys away day.

Apt street sign

 We'd just eaten a massive tapas meal in Whitstable.  Not sure what's going on with FLo's face.

Another Roast Beef yesterday

I didn't get to cook much whilst away on holiday so thought i'd do another roast beef on Sunday afternoon.   I think it turned out well.  Although don't think the cut of beef was a good as the last one.

Another record

 After having the week off of exercise whilst away on holiday last week I was expecting to be a bit slower, but I beat my record elliptical bike machine record this morning by 200m and completed 11km in 45 mins.  I made a good time on the swim too but my watch was playing up so didn't get the correct time.  I think I was slower though.  I'll try again tomorrow. 


Friday 12 July 2024

Another record


I beat my 500m record by 10 seconds this morning.  Probably won't get a chance to beat it this week whilst being away unless I can do 1,000 laps in the hot tub.

I also beat my 200n record by 10 seconds 4m 25s.


 We're off on holiday tomorrow.  We're going to a small village just outside Whitstable.  It's going to be fun, we're going with Shaheen and his family and our dog.  The weather forecast has improved since I first started looking so that's a bonus.  Although not what I would call hot, it's certainly not raining all week!

Not many firm plans on what to do yet, but sure we will find plenty of things to occupy us.

  • Euros Final on Sunday
  • 2 trips to a Michelin starred pub (we've been there before). Girls one night then boys
  • I'd like to take the kids fruit picking if we can find somewhere local
  • Possible trip to Canterbury
  • Vineyard visit
  • Zoo / safari park
  • Hot tub

Thursday 11 July 2024

Smash burger time

 April bought me a burger press so thought i'd give it a go last Friday and make us some smash burgers.  Yum, yum!

One of Florence's favourites

 April took Arthur to a birthday party so I asked Flo what she wanted for lunch.  Chicken pot pie was her response.  She even ended up having it for tea too!  Lucky girl.

Florence is looking old

 She's 7 in October but already looking too old.  I took her to get her hair done on Saturday.  Only £25, half the price as Arwen!

Long overdue

 Arwen had her quarterly trim on Tuesday, doesn't she look good?  £50 though!

The princess and the pea

 Very precarious

Saturday's game

 I've been watching the football in the local Tonbridge pubs.    Other than last night's game it's been a very dull affair but it's been a good laugh though.  I'm off to Whitstable with Shaheen and his lot this Saturday for a weeks holiday so we'll have to find a pub to watch the final.  Come on England!

A bit too small

 I bought a new kindling basket this week as the old one had fallen apart but when it turned up it was tiny.  Grrr...

Picnic cancelled

 Not to worry, i'll do a roast beef instead.  We were supposed to have a picnic on Sunday with all the families in Florence's year but that got rained off.  I suggested to a couple of the families that i'd do a roast instead.  It turned out great!  I did a new method this time.  Seared in a pan with olive oil, butter, garlic, thyme and rosemary first.  Then in a low oven (110C) till the joint got up to the desired temperature.

Tuesday's game

We've nearly completed Rime of the Frost Maiden, last chapter I think.  Then onto Vecna.  We're all level 9 now although technically i'm 9.5.  We were in the pub again, so too was the other gaming group as the gaming cafe was shut this week.  It's much better up there than the cafe, it also has a pub underneath plus it's much closer to my house, but there's no way we'd stop using the cafe as if you don't use these things you lose them. 


 Just did a sub 12 minute 500m in the pool this morning.  Looking back at my records, 10 weeks ago I was doing this in over 20 mins.  Not a bad improvement. 

This is estimated 500m times as i've not always done 500m, sometimes more, sometimes less.

Somewhere in between novice and intermediate, i'll take that!


 I've also been going further on the elliptical bike thing I use.  I'm now up to 10.8km in 45 minutes.  I was close to that a few weeks ago but had a bit of a cold so dropped off a bit.  Back up to full strength now.

Monday 8 July 2024

Not seen this before.

 Well done Football Manager.  I've not had one of my players (or seen it from another team's player) come out as gay before.  My current save is in the year 2048, and i'm 68.  Hopefully this will be acceptable in real life long before 2048.  Apparently it's been in since 2017/2018!  With the amount of game time i've spent playing the game i'm very surprised i've not seen it before.