Wednesday 16 October 2024


 We bought a new set of digital bathroom scales back in May as the old set had packed it in.  These measure your body composition.  I'm generally unsure of the science behind these things and how accurate they truly are.  For instance my watch also has this feature and the two have quite large differences between them.  One thing that I think works though is relativism.  If i'm 10 in one metric and I measure myself again a week later and i'm down to 9.9 then I can see progress even if the initial figure 10 isn't accurate.

The figure i've improved on today is visceral fat, that's the belly fat found deep within your abdominal cavity.  My value dropped from 13 to 12 yesterday!  I can tell that i'm definitely trimming down since I started going to the gym but it's nice to get recognition.  I'm not sure what the unit of 12 or 13 is, kgs sounds a bit heavy.  I'm sure it's still too high anyway but as I said earlier it's coming down which is the main thing.

Dinner for 16

 A friend's birthday dinner at our local Turkish restaurant.  Good fun.  Although I had a lot of parenting to do as I was on the children's side of the table!

Hot sauces arrived

 One of my favourite youtubers Kent Survival (now lives in Tonbridge) has made his own hot sauces so thought i'd give them a try.  Pretty decent.  Well done Andy!

School photo

 Arthur and Florence for their school photo.  Feels very strange having to wear a tie at 4 years old.


 Flo went to another rugby festival on Sunday, as i'm head coach of the u6s I couldn't go along, but i'll try and go to the next one.  Here she is  scoring one of her tries.

Another birthday party

Arthur went to another birthday party on Saturday.  Here he is on his scooter and having his first drink from a water fountain 


 Arthur went to a friend's gymnastics party on Sunday and as Flo's also friends with the party girl's brother she got asked to go along too.  Here she is diving into a foam pit

Good dead for the day

 Found this little guy outside the front door on Monday night when I went to get some more wood for the fire.  I put down some bread and water for him and hoped for the best.

He was still there the next morning and hadn't touched the water and bread so I took the kids to school and went to the gym.

He was still there when I got back but the food and water was done.

When I tried to get in the house he waddled off and flapped his wings a bit.  Pretty sure he's okay now and living happily ever after!

Friday 11 October 2024

What a beautiful morning

 Bloody cold though!

Pitches look fine for Sunday

Thursday 10 October 2024

Finally going to be a speccy foureyes

My last eye exam was a couple of years ago but I received a reminder to get them checked again last week.  My eyes are fine but do struggle very close up.  I got tested again today and have to go back next week for a second test as they found some scarring and need me to get my eyes dilated so they can look a bit closer.

Anyway, i've now bought a pair of expensive reading glasses.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Arwen's new haircut

 £50!  I think we'll wait to the spring before her next one.

Tuesday 8 October 2024


 Only played 40 mins but still got a fair few bruises from Saturday's game.

Only played 40 mins but still got a fair few bruises from Saturday's game.

Monday 7 October 2024

Clip and climb

 Flo had her 7th birthday party on Sunday and she asked to go clip and climb.  Great fun.

Arthur joined in too!

Flo's first rugby festival

I was stuck with the u6s so April took Flo to her first rugby tournament on Sunday.  She has another one next weekend.

2nd game of the season on Saturday

 I played a half for TJs on Saturday.  We won, just.  I'm still feeling sore now but was a good laugh.

18,000 steps before work

 Didn't go to the gym this morning as still feeling sore from Saturday's game so took Arwen for a very long walk.  Got a bit wet at stages during the walk but good fun getting out and about.  

Friday 4 October 2024

Today's walk


Pitch inspection

Beautiful tree

What a view

We scared a few pheasants this morning, here's me trying to flush a few more out.

Thursday 3 October 2024

Cthulhu in the city


Apparently Arthur went all the way to school with a conker in his helmet.

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Weekly pitch inspection


More mushrooms!

Still flooded at the bottom but the pitches are fine.


The school's getting ready for Halloween

 One of the school's vegetable patches.

D&D one shot

 I regular DM is off to comicon this year and is down to run a one shot adventure.  We tried it out last night and think it went well.

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Go to bed!

 I started watching the new deadpool last night and Flo walked into the front room to say goodnight.  Luckily I managed to get her to stare straight at me and turn back around as this was on the screen at the time.  Phew!


 This is me in the evenings now until March.

I am wearing shorts!