Thai style rainbow trout with mashed new potatoes and chives
Friday, 31 January 2025
Thursday, 30 January 2025
Breakfast of champions
I had some peppered kippers that needed eating so had them for breakfast this morning. A bit too much for me so the animals had my left overs.
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
Made quesadillas for the first time today. Turned out pretty well. I used the left overs from Saturday's fajitas (a bit late but sure week be fine...). The bottom wrap shrinks faster than the tip one so I may add the lid next time as I think steam may help.
Pitches flooded again
It's a bit ironic as Tonbridge is currently hit by a series of water outages caused by an electrical fault at a pumping station. Here's the rugby pitches tomorrow. It's designed to be a flood plain so not surprising this time of the year but is annoying.
Finished another campaign
We finished our cyberpunk campaign last night. It was good fun. We've been playing it for 3 months or so, since our last d&d campaign came to an end. Next week we're doing session 0 of the Vecna: Eve of Ruin campaign which is for levels 10+. We're all keeping our characters but having to remake them in d&d v5.5. Should be fairly straight forward for me as other than a few wording changes of spells, the wizard classes have stayed broadly the same.
Tuesday, 28 January 2025
Still unemployed
It's been 4 weeks without a contract. This will be the longest i've been out of work since I started contracting 5 and a half years ago.
I've had a couple of interviews during the 4 weeks but nothing has come out of it. I've had a couple of leads this week but no sign of an interview yet.
Monday, 27 January 2025
Rugby canceled
I was supposed to play rugby yesterday for TJs vets, I was down to be captain too, but 15 mins before kickoff the referee said all of the pitches available were unplayable. FFS! We were all soaking wet and cold from the warm up, in fact we couldn't get any wetter.
Watching football
This is my current proffered method of watching football. Sound down low on the big screen whilst watching live watchalong commentary by someone else.
Impromptu night out
I had an impromptu night out on Friday with one of the u6 coaches. I got a message asking if I was free so said yes. It ended up being quite a late one. Good fun though.
We smashed a few more geodes on Saturday. I smashed them directly with a hammer this time rather than with a screwdriver and hammer which surprisingly ends up with much smaller pieces...
Thursday, 23 January 2025
Iron Maiden wine
April bought me a box of these for Christmas. I took the first round my brother's house last week. I opened this for the bolognese last night and polished it off in the evening.
Monday, 20 January 2025
Current office set up
Highlights include, lightsabre , Han-Solo blaster, thermal detonator, Tonbridge massive fantasy football winners trophy, a million useless dice.
Sleep over
We had a friend's daughter over on Saturday night as they were out for a meal. It was pretty smooth running. They all played together well and I think they had a good time.
Played rugby on Saturday
I played rugby on Saturday for Leigh again and it was good fun. My friend from TJs played to so it was good to get game time with him. We ended up winning 64-7, I scored (credited with 2) and ended up getting man of the match. Not sure it was deserved but I had to down a pint of fosters on a chair for the privilege. Urgh.
Still pretty sore now 2 days later, but should be good for Sunday afternoon when I have a vets game against Cranbrook.
Thursday, 16 January 2025
StuCorp Ltd is no more
This week i've signed off the final accounts and put StuCorp Ltd. to the great company heaven in the sky. The insurance contracting market has completely died over the last 3 years or so due to the enforcement of IR35 rules. Outside IR35 roles disappeared from the market so I could no longer invoice a company for my time. I've had to hire an umbrella company to do my payroll where I effectively have to pay employers and employees national insurance before I get paid on a normal paye basis. My company was basically stagnant for 3 years paying £100 a month accountancy fees for doing fuck all so with a couple of hundred quid left in my company account I finally signed the relevant paperwork and it his now formally closed. RIP StuCorp Ltd.
Tuesday, 14 January 2025
I did get one souvenir
I did get one souvenir from my time play testing. I accidentally kept the pen I was given to take notes.
Monday, 13 January 2025
Games testing
I was in town on Friday to play test the latest edition of my favourite computer game. It was an interesting experience and glad I did it but not sure if i'd do it again.
My game was cancelled with late notice on Saturday but we managed to get to an all weather pitch for the kids on Sunday. 8:45 start and -5C though. Brrrr....
Good spot
I walked passed a charity shop the other day and spotted these bad boys. I though Flo would love them so we went back out and bought them. They're a little big but she will grow into them.
We did another jigsaw
This time only 500 pieces (the Mandalorian was 1,000). They're quite addictive. The kids enjoy it too.
We finally completed the Mandalorian jigsaw only for there to be one piece missing! It was so frustrating!
I than sat at the other side of the table and I saw something glinting on top of the jigsaw. It was the missing piece. What a relieve. What a bunch of idiots.
Thursday, 9 January 2025
It's been a while
With the fields that I usually walk the dog on being flooded I took Arwen out behind Deacon Lees. It's been a couple of years since we were last there. It was a still muddy but the snow / ice firmed it up a bit. -5 in Tonbridge tonight!
Tuesday, 7 January 2025
Donation 66
Inbetween contracts
My last contract ended on the 31st of December so i'm currently unemployed. I've got a retention bonus due to get paid in a couple of weeks that will tidy me over for another month or so but really need to get a new role sooner rather than later.
Last day of holidays for the kids
Yesterday was the last day of school holidays so I cracked open one of their jigsaw puzzles. I don't think it's designed for 4 and 7 year olds. Nor 45 year olds for that matter. We've made a good start but now all the tricky dark parts that all look the same.
Not lost it
With the kids back at school at school today so have gotten back into a bit of my old routine. Drop the kids off then straight to the gym. Having been ill for a fair bit of Christmas and new year I was expecting a bit of a drop off but i'm pretty much back where I left off in mid December. No impressive swim times this morning as I forgot to pack my goggles and only did breaststroke, but managed 500m.
The kids are back at school
And are supposed to be swimming in the evening. Not looking likely as Tonbridge pool has it's flood barriers up.
Monday, 6 January 2025
Chicken pot pie
We had a playdate round ours yesterday so I made a chicken pot pie for everyone. Pretty decent if I say so myself
No rugby
Rugby was cancelled yesterday due to the pitches being waterlogged, our backup all weather pitch was flooded too!
Thursday, 2 January 2025
Boys toys are better than girls toys
Not that girls can't play with fun toys too... But I think you get what I mean. Here's the track I made with Arthur