Friday 6 September 2024

Well that's a nice little surprise

 We got ourselves a BA Amex card about 3 years ago to pay for all our spending, it meant we could earn points to help us save money flights to Australia.  In practice there are never flights available for the times of year we are able to take off so it's been more or less useless.  Over that period we amassed a fair amount of points (120,000) so not to be sneezed at. I had a message from them saying that we'd lose the points due to inactivity so had a little look around to see what I could do with them.  Turns out I can convert them to nectar points.  Once converted into real money it's around £610!  Well that's a turn up for the books.  All tax free.

New term, new heights

 Flo is now 1.26cm and Arthur is 1.11cm tall.  Flo is 6 and 11 months old and the average 7 year old is 121cm!  Arthur is 4 and 3 months which is 9cm taller than a 4 year old and 2 cm taller than an average 5 year old!  Really not sure where this height is coming from.  Certainly not me!

Thursday 5 September 2024

Fish pie

Made my first fish pie today. Pretty decent attempt.

Another record

New 100m swim record today, 15 seconds slower than my best 500m though.

Very nearly finished

 We're almost finished our d&d game.  We've got a 2 week break (I think we're running a two week one shot cyber punk) before coming back to d&d.  After that we're going to have a one shot d&d game so our gm can practise the one shot he wants to run at a games con he's going to then we'll start the next official d&d campaign. 

Last night

 Waitrose smash burgers.  Mince and bone marrow.

Wednesday 4 September 2024


Feels strange having to type 45 into the exercise machine.  Urgh.

New boots

 My new rugby boots finally turned up today.  3 days before my next game.  They should have arrived last week but for some reason took ages to arrive.  My last pair fell apart mid game back in Easter.

First day of term

 First Day of term for the kids today after a very long summer holiday.  7.5 weeks off!  Grr!  Now to get back to a nice solid routine.

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Why now?


I finally got round to fully updating my character this afternoon for the d&d session later but my character is all online these days and their website is currently down!  FFS!  Come on guys.  Don't they know I need to memorise some new spells?