Monday 16 September 2024

This morning's walk


2kg of beef

 I cooked a 2kg joint of beef yesterday for 10 (6 adults 4 kids).  It was good although the meater (meat thermometer) let me down.  I wanted the top end of medium rare, but i'd say top end of medium.  Still tasted good and the whole lot was eaten so can't complain too much.  The main reason for the roast was to test out the new fancy chopping board though.  Lovely!

New album

 I listened to Ade Edmonson's auto biography the other day and found out about this album.  Bad News.  Part of a Comic Strip episode where the actually went on tour afterwards!

Saturday's activities

 I met up with Shaheen on Saturday, we're going to attempt to do this every year (close to our birthdays), steaks and beers.  We haven't seen Ross in ages so asked if he was available, turned out he was!

Steaks and red wine in Temper!  Lovely

Not just for Shaheen


£7.70 for Asahi, Jeez! 

I  love going for a chinese in China town so since we were meeting up in SOHO I thought i'd pre-load before the drinking

Does he live local?

 We were randomly talking about Andrew WK on Friday during dinner with the kids and noticed that we didn't have this album on the juke box so ordered one right there.  It turned up before 10am on Saturday. No stamp so hand delivered.  Was it Andrew himself?

Tonbridge is beautiful

 Out with the dog last week and I love my walk with her.  It takes about 20mins to get to this point and is a lovely walk alongside the river.

Thursday 12 September 2024

12-19 Vs Gravesend

 I played rugby last Saturday and felt surprisingly fine. We won. A bit stiff and probably didn't need to do rugby training with the kids in the morning followed by go ape for one iof Flo's friend's birthdays. 


 3 times I went down a zip wire at go ape, 3 times I ended up going backwards and getting wood chips up my arse.


 Our minis pitches have finally been painted.  That will make training with the minis a lot easier.

Lovely walk this morning

 April's been walking the dog mostly recently as i've been going to the gym.  I didn't go this morning as I was out playing touch rugby with the Badgers.  What a lovely day though.